If we are to conserve Salmon, it is important to understand the relationship that Salmon have with streams. Current conservation efforts usually focus on the cyclical nature of Salmon and Marine Derived Nutrients (MDN), mostly focusing on the relationship between Nitrogen and Phosphorus. The basic idea is this:
- Salmon deposit carcasses all along the freshwater streams in which they spawn, bringing with them nutrients gained at sea.
- These nutrients fuel primary production (algae, other plant matter) which make up the base of the food chain in aquatic systems.
- This deposit of MDN allows for a healthy ecosystem, which in turn allows salmon alevine and fry (baby salmon) to grow.
- The Cyclical Decline Hypothesis: Removing Salmon --> Removes MDN --> Lowers Salmon offspring survival --> Lowering Salmon returns--> Lowering MDN --> Lowering salmon offspring survival etc. etc. etc.
'The Cyclical Decline Hypothesis' took quite an effort by biologists and ecologists to formulate and test (and it is still under debate!). Below I discuss how this proposed cycle came to be.
Primary production in streams is a function of several
factors, but two of the most important are the ratio of Nitrogen to Phosphorous
(N-P), and Carbon uptake/incorporation . This relationship has been known to affect
primary production since the mid to late 1800’s. Methods of determining exact
ratios of N-P nutrient ratios and thus primary productivity in aquatic
environments were developed in the 1920’s (Goldman, 1960). However, it was not until the mid 1900’s that
scientists started studying exact relationships of N-P and salmon runs. One such
study, done in the early 1970s, compared N-P ratios in sub-alpine streams in
Alaska during high Kokanee Salmon (Oncorhynchus
nerka) spawner abundance and low spawner abundance in two consecutive
years(Richey, et al., 1975). This study
took samples of periphyton biomass, nutrient concentration, and heterotrophic
activity to deduce Phosphorous levels during climax carcass deposits for both
years. Their findings showed a positive downstream correlation with phosphorous
and carcass deposit number, while low spawner seasons had a homogeneous
nutrient spectrum at both upstream and downstream locations. In addition,
bacterial heterotrophy and periphyton biomass were at maximum levels in
midwinter (during peak salmon carcass deposit), an unusual time for an increase
in primary production in Alaska. The authors conclude their study by stating
that Kokanee salmon nutrient deposits via carcass vectors are important in
preserving the rearing grounds of their own species.
A school of Kokanee Salmon returning to their spawning grounds.
proposed cyclical relationship, where salmon carcasses create an influx of
nutrients thereby generating more fertile spawning grounds, is suggested in
subsequent research also. Stable isotope measurements have become a standard
way of measuring nutrient uptake in streams, most commonly using Nitrogen (15N)
and Carbon (13C). A 1996
study of 15N and 13C isotope uptake in streams supporting
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) runs bolsters the hypothesis that salmon carcass deposits increase primary
productivity and act as net importers of marine derived nutrients (MDN) (Bilby,
et al., 1996). Salmon derived C and N
were found to contribute heavily to the chemical make-up of organisms living in
these systems; 44.8% N in cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii) was marine derived, and 44%
marine derived C was found in Coho salmon smolt. This suggests that
incorporation of nutrients is due primarily to ingestion in organic form (prior
to mineralization); primary production may not be a large sink of MDN from
salmon. The concept, however, is the same; salmon are net importers of
nutrients to primarily oligotrophic systems. Bilby concludes his 1996 article
by stating that salmon declines may be self-perpetuating because the loss of
MDN affects future generations of salmon runs.
This is a picture of a salmon carcass dump (via helicopter), which has been used in conservation efforts to replace MDN to systems with decreased salmon runs. This approach may not be the best conservation method, new papers suggest.
support for this hypothesis comes from Ted Gresch’s 2000 paper, which estimates
salmon abundance throughout history (Gresch, et al., 2000). This influential
article took data from cannery records throughout the late 1800’s and current
harvest data to estimate the size of salmon decline along the west coast of
North America. Gresch reports that just
6-7% of historic salmon numbers remain, down from 160-226 million kg to
11.8-13.7 million kg. He uses his data
to extrapolate the hypothesis that in areas where salmon declines have been
great there is a correlation of nutrient deficiency. Furthermore, he states,
that “…current management, which
maximizes wild salmon harvest, relying heavily on artificial propagation may
be exacerbating the removal of valuable
nutrients and carbon from the natural stream ecosystems, perpetuating the low survival of wild
Future Salmon!
This cyclical
decline hypothesis, prominent since 1970’s, has influenced the methodology of many
conservation efforts. The thought has
been that since salmon appear to be great sources of nutrients to their
oligotrophic spawning ground systems, addition of nutrients to said systems
will increase salmon recruitment.
Restoration projects in the Pacific North West have added nutrients to
rivers using several different methods: salmon carcass placement, ‘analog
carcasses’ (carcass cakes composed of oceanic fish), and inorganic nutrient
addition (Compton, et al. 2006). These
supplementations may negatively affect water quality, increasing chances of
introduced toxins and pathogens. Salmon
population numbers have been slow to recover, even with carcass
supplementation. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that nutrient additions
may not necessarily benefit salmon recruitment as much as once thought. If salmon
carcass deposit is an ineffective and unnecessarily exhaustive process,
conservation techniques may need an overhaul.
1 comment:
There is a definite wealth of information that you have featured here. You have done your research. I like the life cycle image at the top of the page, maybe you might include a figure somewhere. I would especially like to see something documenting data on the carcass strategy, even if it really gives no benefit to the species (it just seems like a very interesting premise).
William Cooper
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